Our Specialized Tools & Technology
Giving you the most thorough inspection possible.
Roofs are dangerous and ladders even more so. The majority or workplace injuries happen to home inspectors while attempting to walk a roof. A fall can happen on the way up, the way down, or in between and that’s why drones have been an exciting new addition to the home inspection industry. They have made just about any roof accessible while creating a safer and more effective work place for the modern inspector. Landmark Property Inspections sends a drone out to every inspection, assuring you, your agent, and the current property owner that the inspection will be preformed in the safest manor possible.
Infrared imaging aids the Infrared Certified Home Inspector by allowing them to detect subtle changes in temperature that can be tail tell signs of moisture intrusion problems occurring within the building structure. A simple scan with a thermal imaging camera can revel problems our eyes alone could never detect. Thermal imaging gives the trained inspector a view into a world that can’t be seen with our eyes alone. All Landmark Property Inspectors are Infrared Certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, check out the images below to see what thermal imaging can uncover.